Title: Larvicidal efficiency of aquatic predators: A perspective for mosquito biocontrol
Author(s): Kumar R (Kumar, Ram), Hwang JS (Hwang, Jiang-Shiou)
Source: ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES 45 (4): 447-466 OCT 2006
Title: Larval Salamandra drive temporary pool community dynamics: Evidence from an artificial pool experiment
Author(s): Blaustein L, Friedman J, Fahima T
Source: OIKOS 76 (2): 392-402 JUN 1996
Title: Species richness and the proportion of predatory animal species in temporary freshwater pools: relationships with habitat size and permanence
Author(s): Spencer M, Blaustein L, Schwartz SS, Cohen JE
Source: ECOLOGY LETTERS 2 (3): 157-166 MAY 1999
Title: Effects of an invasive anuran [the cane toad (Bufo marinus)] on the invertebrate fauna of a tropical Australian floodplain
Author(s): Greenlees MJ (Greenlees, M. J.), Brown GP (Brown, G. P.), Webb JK (Webb, J. K.), Phillips BL (Phillips, B. L.), Shine R (Shine, R.)
Source: ANIMAL CONSERVATION 9 (4): 431-438 NOV 2006
Title: Zooplankton successions in neighboring lakes with contrasting impacts of amphibian and fish predators
Author(s): Schabetsberger R (Schabetsberger, Robert), Grill S (Grill, Susanne), Hauser G (Hauser, Gabriele), Wukus P (Wukus, Petra)
Warkentin KM, Buckley CR, Metcalf KA
Development of red-eyed treefrog eggs affects efficiency and choices of egg-foraging wasps
ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 71: 417-425 Part 2 FEB 2006
nur mal 5 min suchen... mit etwas mehr mühe gibts sicher auch mehr.. vorallem in papern die sich mit dem verschwinden von Amphibienpopulationen beschäftigen und z.B: Biodiversität über die Zeit hinweg beobachten..